“HiCoders helped me through a difficult time”

February 14, 2022by admin

He sought refuge in Switzerland. Then he had to wait and hope for a residence permit for two years. Deniz explains how the course at HiCoders helped him get through this difficult time.

When I left my home and everything that was familiar to me behind, I also had to give up my plans for the future. I used to work as a mathematician at a university. That is no longer possible here in Switzerland. It was difficult to deal with this situation. What made it even more difficult was that I didn’t know when I would be able to work and earn money again at all.

I had to do something that would get me ahead. Since I had already taught Pascal programming courses at university and enjoyed programming as a hobby, I decided to go into the field of IT. At HiCoders, I was able to jump right into an ongoing Web Programming course.

The courses gave me self-confidence

The HiCoders instructors and mentors were very helpful and always motivated me. They were so positive and friendly. But the best thing for me was that the courses gave me confidence by solving the tasks and learning something new. I received affirmation and gained belief in my abilities. This was of enormous importance during this very difficult time for me personally.

Besides the broad basic knowledge about web programming, I also learned a lot about the culture in Switzerland. Especially about the IT industry and how to behave in it. I think the technical knowledge you can teach yourself with a lot of discipline, but it’s hard to imagine how the corporate cultures here work. It’s very different here from what I was used to.

I needed hope for a better future

Today I work as a systems engineer. I don’t really need my web programming skills for that. Still, I wouldn’t be where I am today without HiCoders. Without the courses, I would never have stayed as motivated to continue learning new things. It was incredibly important to work on a foundation for future employment. It gave me hope for a better future.

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+41 44 505 1519


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