First blockchain and NFT, then cake and coffee

March 24, 2023by admin0

Meeting and learning from each other in a relaxed atmosphere – that’s what we assembled for at the “IT verbindet” event at the Becozy Hotel in Zurich on 28 October. First, software engineer Ilyas Türkben taught us the basics of blockchain and non-fungible tokens. Then the participants were able to create their first NFT themselves....

Meeting and learning from each other in a relaxed atmosphere – that’s what we assembled for at the “IT verbindet” event at the Becozy Hotel in Zurich on 28 October. First, software engineer Ilyas Türkben taught us the basics of blockchain and non-fungible tokens. Then the participants were able to create their first NFT themselves.

The participants listened to blockchain enthusiast Ilyas Türkben with great interest. He explained the basics of blockchain and non-fungible tokens (NFT) and answered their questions about the technology behind these terms.

Ilyas spoke in detail and vividly about what the digitalisation process makes possible, but also about the dangers, it can pose. With his support, the participants opened their own accounts and created their first NFT. Afterwards, the generous buffet tempted them with coffee and cake!

Many thanks to Ilyas Türkben for his interesting explanations and his patience in answering our questions. We benefited greatly from his knowledge.

And one more piece of information: This was our last event under the title “IT verbindet”. In the future, we will focus our events on ensuring that participants learn something new and try things out. That’s why our event series will be called “HiCoders Labs” from now on.

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+41 44 505 1519


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