Congratulations to our graduates

August 7, 2022by admin

With our "Say Goodbye" event, our participants completed the Fullstack Web Programming course on 2 July. Congratulations on passing the course!

In Lucerne, HiCoders met with the graduates of the Fullstack Web Programming course on 2 July to say goodbye. After the welcome by HiCoders President Mehmet Dogan, the groups presented (partly online) their final projects. This means that 27 people have completed the course.


The participants enjoyed a well-deserved apero and talked about their experiences and their plans for the future. And after Mehmet Dogan’s closing talk, it was time to say goodbye.


HiCoders congratulates all graduates and wishes them all the best for the future!

Schaffhauserstrasse 470, 8052 Zürich
+41 44 505 1519


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