Expert talk among like-minded people

July 7, 2022by admin

The event “IT verbindet” ("IT connects") was marked by lively discussions and exciting inputs. IT experts exchanged ideas with refugees interested in IT about various topics in the industry.

After a hearty lunch, the main programme began. The seven IT experts and 20 refugees were divided into groups and first discussed among themselves before presenting their results in English or German to all those present.


On the topic of digital transformation, several groups took longer because there was a lot to discuss. hose present agreed that there was enormous potential in Switzerland. The transformation is only taking place slowly. In certain sectors, it is difficult to completely digitise everything. In practice, a middle ground is often needed, even if digitisation is theoretically feasible.


Other topics were the new data protection law in Switzerland, the ethical challenges of digitalisation, and gender equality in the ICT sector. There were lively discussions on all topics in the groups and sometimes some research on the internet to bring more facts into the conversations.


After intensive discussions, the programme ended just as it began: with delicious food (this time dessert) and coffee.


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+41 44 505 1519


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