Our history

In 2018, computer scientists and IT enthusiasts with migration experience founded the IT Club Oberland. In 2020, it became the non-profit association HiCoders, based in Zurich. Its goal: to contribute to a fair digitalization.
HiCoders is constantly designing new courses to meet the growing demand for IT professionals in Switzerland. Courses such as Web Programming or Java take place online. We run IT for Girls courses in Winterthur, Olten, Bern and Lucerne.

Voluntary Work

We put a lot of commitment and expertise into our course participants. The work of the 20 HiCoders instructors and mentors is voluntary. Regardless of their financial means, all those interested in IT should be able to afford our courses.

Success through collaboration

At HiCoders, course participants are supported at all times. Our instructors, mentors and growing community are available around the clock to answer questions. Through regular, focused and disciplined learning – and our expert support – participants successfully complete our courses.


Vision: Integration in the Swiss labor market

HiCoders is committed to equal opportunities in the Swiss labor market. As IT experts with migration experience, we want to contribute to making it easier for migrants and refugees to enter the Swiss labor market.

Mission: Making it easier to start a career

People with a migration background are often at a disadvantage compared to natives when looking for a job. There are various reasons for this. HiCoders wants to help overcome the obstacles in finding a job.

“When people move to Switzerland from another country, starting a career can be difficult for them. Diplomas from abroad often don’t count here. Our courses help those interested in IT to start their careers.”
Mehmet Dogan, HiCoders President

Through education and training in Web Programming, HiCoders graduates find employment more easily as professionals. In this way, HiCoders contributes to the integration of migrants in the Swiss labor market and helps to address the shortage of skilled workers.

Schaffhauserstrasse 470, 8052 Zürich
+41 44 505 1519


The HiCoders association is a non-profit organization. With your membership or a donation you help us a lot.